Adapted from R.L. Stevenson’s novel by Sándor Ják Drawings by Imre Sebők

A stranger arrives at the inn of a port in England. Behind the old sea salt the porter brings his big seachest on a hand barrow.

The man (who calls himself Billy Bones) behaves very strangely. He sits in a corner and drinks vast amounts of rum. This is how he spends his days…

Soon afterwards the old man dies. That same evening they open the big chest, his only possession. Among his things Jim finds some old documents.

Next morning Jim takes the papers to Dr. Liversey, a benefactor of the family. The doctor and his friend, Squire Trelewnay, study the papers. They find a drawing among them.

‘A map!’ the doctor cries. Yes, it is a map, with longitudes and latitudes, and all the bearings that ensure the safe anchorage of a ship. ‘This is the treasure!’ marked with a red sign on the map.
Jim found the map of treasure Island in the chest, where Flint, the pirate captain hid the stolen treasure. After the wicked captain died, Billy Bones kept the map. The gang that broke into the inn, suspected that the map was among the belongings of Bones. Jim’s move had upset their plan. They did not find the map. The doctor and his friend decide to go after the treasure. Squire Trelewnay goes to acquire a ship for the trip. They promise to take Jim as the cabin boy on the journey to treasure Island

One day the news arrives that Squire Trelewnay has bought the Hispaniola. Jim, the doctor and Redruth, Trelewnay’s favourite servant go to Bristol.

They find Squire Trelewnay at the port, checking the work on the ship, together with Captain Smolett.

Most of the crew were recruited by Silver, the cook. Jim saw him for the first time when he took a letter from Squire Trelewnay. He finds the cook in the inn, drinking with a group of cruel faced men.

Captain Smolett does not trust the crew. He complains that Squire Trelewnay must have spoken about the aim of their trip. He wants the crew to be changed, but nobody listens to him.

One morning the order is given to weigh anchor. With a fair wind the Hispaniola sets sail on the adventurous journey.

The prize possession on the boat is a barrel of apples. One evening Jim feels so thirsty that despite the warning, he goes to the barrel. Suddenly he hears steps . . . To avoid being discovered he hides…

Hiding in the barrel he hears something strange: ‘Either the doctor or his friend have the map! We’ll go with them then take over the ship and then kill them’, Silver explains with tense excitement.

Jim quickly tells the Captain, but the Hispaniola is already nearing the bay of Treasure Island. Captain Smolett decides to trap the gang on the island.

After plunging the anchor the Captain gives the crew a few hours leave. He intends to find out who supports the cook. Tom, a sailor, climbs into Silver’s boat, although the Captain always trusted him.

Soon Jim leaves for the island. He follows Silver. He finds them talking in a small clearing. He hears a sharp dispute. The next moment Silver lifts his crutch and attacks Tom. It seems that the sailor does not want to join the gang.

Jim doesn’t want to run into the gang, so he goes to look around the island. Suddenly a shaggy man appears: ‘Sir, I haven’t seen a man for three years. I haven’t spoken to anyone!’
The islander explains that he once sailed with Flint, the pirate captain, who with seven of the crew hid the treasure. Then Flint killed them all.He – Benn Gunn – was the only one to survive. The pirate ship left and since then he has lived alone on the island.

While Benn Gunn told him his story, the Captain, Squire Trelewnay, the doctor and old Redruth with two reliable sailors have packed guns and food into a boat and they row towards the island.

According to the map the Captain finds the wooden stockade in the forest which he decides to make his headquarters. His plan is to direct the digging from here where they can best defend themselves.

Silver and his gang attack the stockade. Although the defenders drive off the attack, old Redruth is killed by the bullets of the pirates.

When Jim arrives the fight is over and he gets into the stockade without being seen. He is warmly welcomed and they pay keen attention to what he has to say about Benn Gunn.

The pirates attack again. Now they are better organised. First they fire a round of shots, then a small group attack the palisade on the northern side.

The Captain, Squire Trelewnay and two sailors break out of the stockade and ambush the attackers. This confuses the pirates who run for shelter.

Jim does not wait for the third attack. He remembers the threat of the cook that they will take over the ship. He escapes from the stockade and takes the hollowed out boat of Benn Gunn.

He rows to the Hispaniola and cuts away the anchor of the ship. He spends the night in the boat and when he wakes at dawn he sees that the Hispaniola moves aimlessly on the waves. Nobody steers her. He decides to take over the ship.

He climbs on board and is shocked to find two sailors covered with blood. Obviously there was a drunken brawl: one is dead, while the coxswain is injured and bleeding. Jim tends his wounds.

The defenders of the fort are upset to see that the Hispaniola has gone. The doctor explains that further loss of life is pointless. The map should be given the gang. ‘We cannot take the treasure home anyway.’

The leader of the gang promises to let them live if they hand over the map. They agree that the doctor will also tend their wounded.

At night Jim slips back into the stockade. Suddenly a torch is lit and with horror he sees he is surrounded by Silver and his gang.’So here you are!’ The one legged man shouts. The boy feels his last hour has come.

One of the pirates pulls out a knife, but the cook does not allow him to kill the boy. He keeps Jim as a hostage.

The doctor arrives to look after the wounded. Jim whispers to him and reveals where the Hispaniola is hidden.

The next day Silver leads his gang to the treasure. Jim has to walk with Silver.

They get a big surprise at the spot marked on the map. Someone has discovered the place and plundered the treasure. There is no gold and no diamonds!

Dangerous moments follow. The gang think that Silver has tricked them. They want to kill Silver and Jim.

Suddenly shots are fired from the thicket. One of the pirates falls.

The doctor, his friend, Benn Gunn and the Captain appear armed with guns. The pirates run for their lives.

Silver and Jim remain on the spot. The gang ran away and the cook is forgiven because he saved Jim’s life. And now comes the real surprise.

Benn Gunn leads them to a cave where he has stored Captain Flint’s treasure. Piece by piece Ben carried them into the cave from their original hidingplace.

When the treasure is safely on board the doctor sends clothing, food and medicine to the pirates to ease their life on the island.

The order is given to weigh anchor. The Hispaniola sets sail for home. This was the end of the fabulous treasure: the lucky treasure hunters have happy dreams about their bright future.