This little, fat and rosy pig is Niff-Niff.

Niff-Niff has two brothers: Naff-Naff and Nuff-Nuff.

The fat and rosy Naff-Naff and Nuff-Nuff all day long dance and sing and play.

And this is Naff-Naff’s house. It is made of grass and Naff-Naff likes it very much.

The, bird in the tree asks him, ‘What Is THIS, little Naff-Naff?’
‘This is my new house. Black Bird!’

‘No, it is not a house. It has no windows. It has no door. It is a nest. Your brother Niff-Niff has a house. Look at It!’

First Naff-Naff sees Nuff-Nuff’s house. It is made of sticks. Nuff-Nuff is sitting in it and singing a merry song.

And this is Niff-Niff’s house. It is made of red bricks and has a nice room with a door and a window. And Niff-Niff is singing a song, too.

The yellow sun is in the blue sky. It is a very nice day!

Two brothers are playing under big trees. They are singing.
Who’s afraid of Big. Bad Wolf,
Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf ?!

Niff-Niff is not dancing. Niff-Niff is not singing. He is sitting under the tree and reading a big red book.

But who is looking at the three little pigs? It is a big greedy wolf. His name is Big Bad Wolf.

Now he is very hungry. He wants to eat up the three little pigs.

Big Bad Wolf makes a jump. But in a moment the little pigs are far from the tree.

Naff-Naff runs to his house made of grass.

Nuff-Nuff runs to his house made of sticks.

Niff-Niff runs to his house made of bricks.

Big Bad Wolf cannot catch the little pigs-they run very quickly. But he is very hungry and he says, Naff-Naff’s house is not far, I shall catch him first!

Ha- ha – ha, Naff-Naff! I shall blow your house down; and I shall eat you up! Ha -ha -ha!

The Wolf blows, and in a moment the house is up in the air! But Naff-Naff is far. He is running to Nuff-Nuff’s house.

‘Ha-ha-ha, you silly pigs! I am glad I can catch not one but two fat pigs!’… The sticks are up in the air!

The little pigs are running to their brother’s house.

Niff-Niff is sitting in his little warm house. He is reading a book. Water is boiling in a big, big pot on the fire.

The door opens, and Niff-Niff sees his brothers. Brother Niff-Niff! Big Bad Wolf is after us! Let us in!

I shall blow your house down, silly pigs! I shall eat up three fat little pigs!

And the Wolf blows and blows and blows! But Niff-Niff is not afraid of him. He and his brothers are safe in his good house!

The Wolf is very hungry. And the little pigs, fat and rosy, are there in the house! How can he catch them!

The Wolf knocks at the door. He has a sheep’s skin on!

Who Is there? asks Niff-Niff. It’s me, sheep. Big Bad Wolf is after me! Let me in!
It is not a sheep! I can see Wolf’s brown pants.’ I shall not open the door!

Big Bad Wolf is very, very hungry. I shall catch them in their house!

Big Bad Wolf IS in the house! But he is in the water! And the water is boiling!

Niff-Niff says to his brothers, I am_very glad. The Wolf Is dead. But youhave no houses now. Live in my house!
Thank you, Niff-Niff You are a very good brother!

The three little pigs are very happy. They live in Niff-Niff’s house and play and dance all day long.

THE End Edited by A. STAKHOVSKAYA Painted by S. TCHERNOV